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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gynecomastia: Man Boobs

Gynecomastia or as it is commonly known, man boobs is condition which leaves the male chest are saggy and looking more like female breasts. It causes by an excess of fat which located over the entire chest and in particular excess beast tissue located around the level of the nipple. Man boobs can be the result of numerous conditions ranging from obesity, drugs both legal and illegal to hormones. The later resulting in man Gynecomastia during the teenage ages ranging from 13-17yrs. Regardless of the cause If you are a suffer of this condition then you know exactly how men feel when it comes to going to public places.

A lot of blogs and websites deal primarily with products which can be taken to help reduce and eliminate man boobs. In fact at Manboobs101exercise and a well balanced diet man boobs can still be a problem and in cases such as this, the only option available could be surgery. we discuss some of the leading brands available to men to help eliminate this condition. But what we're going to look today is the drastic and sometimes only option of surgery and whats involved.

Before Surgery:

Before surgery can be undertaken you need to seek medical consultation by your doctor or GP. What this consultation does is evaluate the your level of Gynecomastia and whether it would be recommended to undergo surgery at that time. One of the major factors that could hinder surgery is obesity. In order for surgery to be undertaken the male needs to be of good health and also have firm elastic skin to reshape to the chests new contour. Men who suffer from obesity may not be suitable for this operation until they have made an effort to first lose the extra weight. Also men who drink, smoke marijuana or take anabolic steroids may not be considered good candidates as they have been shown to cause Gynecomastia. Medical tests should be undertaken before surgery is considered an viable option by your GP as sometimes the condition can be the direct effect of a medical cause and you will be directed to the appropriate specialist.


If your doctor does believe you are a candidate for surgery then he/she will examine the chest area to see how much excess fat or breast tissue needs to be removed. The surgery itself is usually an out patient appointment and depending on the seriousness of the condition can either be undertaken with a local or general anesthetic. If your Gynecomastia is in relation to excess fatty tissue then a small incision is made near the areola of the chest and a tube is inserted and the excess fat is sucked out. This procedure is also known as liposuction. If their is excess glandular tissue then a small incision is made at the base of the areola and the tissue removed with a scalpel. In extreme cases where the skin has not reshaped to the new contour or the chest excess skin maybe removed. In these cases your GP will advise whether they will do it on the day of your operation of a few weeks later to allow the swelling of the chest to go down. Also a small drain can be inserted in the chest to help eliminate excess fluid during this time and is usually attached to a small bag or container worn under the armpit.


For the first few days or up to a week after surgery you will feel discomfort which can be controlled with pain killers.
You could be instructed to wear a pressure bandage to help reduce swelling.
You will have ether server or minimal bruising as well as swelling.
It can take up to 3 weeks before the swelling starts to go down.
In some cases it can take up to 3 months before a noticeable difference is seen.
Any stitches will usually be removed 7-14 days after surgery.

-In some cases there can be lose of breast sensation or numbness for up to a year.
-There have been cases where men have had scaring and disfiguration of the male chest.
-If you are very active in sports your doctor or GP may advise you not to engage in certain sports.
-COST - Surgery is not cheap and can cost between 6500-13000 USD.

Hopefully this blog has given you some insight into what happens before, during and also the recovery period of surgery. As for-mentioned there are also alternative programs to surgery which we would highly recommend before looking at the option of surgery. We review the 2 leading exercise programs and also herbal remedies as well as look at two videos dealing with surgery and also garments that can be worn to hide man boobs.

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